Military Chaplain Members and Candidates News
ECA’s CAPT Gregory “Cory” Cathcart, FORCE Chaplain, Naval Special Warfare Command, Offers Invocation and Benediction at 24MAY18 White House Ceremony for Medal of Honor Recipient, Friend and Teammate, Navy SEAL Master Chief (Retired) Britt K. Slabinski
ECA’s CAPT Gregory “Cory” Cathcart, FORCE Chaplain, Naval Special Warfare Command, Offers Invocation and Benediction at 24MAY18 White House Ceremony for Medal of Honor Recipient, Friend and Teammate, Navy SEAL Master Chief (Retired) Britt K. Slabinski
(l. to r) Master Chief Slabinski (foreground wearing Medal of Honor), President Trump (background), Master Chief Slabinski (foreground wearing Medal of Honor), and Chaplain Cathcart (praying at the podium in East Room of White House, Washington, D.C.)
Chaplain Cathcart at White House
To view the video of the ceremony, click here.
ECA Recognizes Graduation of Chaplain James Edward Fawcett From Commissioned Officer Training April 27, 2018, at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
ECA Recognizes Graduation of Chaplain James Edward Fawcett From Commissioned Officer Training April 27, 2018, at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
Chaplain (1Lt) Fawcett joined for the occasion by CH (LT COL, USA RET) Gregory Estes (member of both the ECA's Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors) and CH (MAJ) Katherine M. Scott (also a member of the ECA Military Chaplain Commission and Staff Chaplain at Air Force Chaplain College)
Congratulations Chaplain Fawcett!
ECA Celebrates February 16, 2018 Graduation of Three Chaplains From Air Force Basic Chaplain Course at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
ECA Celebrates February 16, 2018 Graduation of Three Chaplains From Air Force Basic Chaplain Course at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
(l. to r.) CH( 1st Lt) John Lee, CH (Cpt) Pierre St. Louis, and CH (Cpt) Isaiah Marshall joined for the occasion by CH (MAJ) Katherine M. Scott, ECA Military Chaplain Commission member and Staff Chaplain at the Air Force Chaplain College
ECA Chaplain (1st Lt) John H. Lee on Mission to Boost Spiritual Fitness at Barksdale Air Force Base
ECA Chaplain (1st Lt) John H. Lee on Mission to Boost Spiritual Fitness at Barksdale Air Force Base
Chaplain Lee
On January 17, 2018, Barksdale Air Force Base 2nd Bomb Wing Public Affairs featured Chaplain Lee in an excellent article highlighting his ministry among fellow airman. To view the article, click here.
Good job, Chaplain Lee!
Chaplain (LTC) Lawrence M. Dabeck, U.S. Army Active Duty, hosts Dr. and Mrs. Turrill for January 17, 2017 Grand Tour of Pentagon
Chaplain (LTC) Lawrence M. Dabeck, U.S. Army Active Duty, hosts Dr. and Mrs. Turrill for January 17, 2017 Grand Tour of Pentagon
Dr. Turrill flanked by Chaplain Dabeck and Jane Turrill, who serves as Military Chaplain Commission Assistant among her other responsibilities at ECA headquarters
Citing an article entitled "From CIU to the Pentagon" by Columbia International University (CIU) from which Lieutenant Colonel Dabeck received his Master of Divinity, he is "deputy joint staff chaplain, the number two chaplain for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, supporting 3000 military chaplains who are serving one million active duty service members." To read this most informative article in its entirety, click here.
Thank you, Chaplain Dabeck, for your hospitality!
U.S. Air Force Reserve Chaplain 1st Lieutenant Armondo L. Jackson Accessioned March 6, 2017 With His Pastor, Retired Navy Chaplain Walter M. Brown, Jr., Administering Oath of Office
U.S. Air Force Reserve Chaplain 1st Lieutenant Armondo L. Jackson Accessioned March 6, 2017, With His Pastor, Retired Navy Chaplain Walter M. Brown, Jr., Administering Oath of Office
CH(1LT) Jackson (r.) with Pastor Brown at the ceremony
Congratulations Chaplain Jackson!
CH (Lt. Col.) Rick Blank, Air Force Veteran of 248 Combat Missions, Now Deputy Command Chaplain, California State Military Reserve (CSMR)
CH (Lt. Col.) Rick Blank, Air Force Veteran of 248 Combat Missions, Now Deputy Command Chaplain, California State Military Reserve (CSMR)
Chaplain Blank officiating a wedding ceremony
Most unexpectedly, as the Lord would have it, Chaplain Blank met a soldier, that as it turns out, he unknowingly defended from his F-4 Phantom during a battle 46 years earlier. The soldier was actually Sp4c. Michael John Fitzmaurice, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic deeds that day. You are invited to read Chaplain Blank's following fascinating and detailed account of events surrounding this reunion of sorts he wrote for Grizzly, the official news magazine of the California National Guard:
March 23, 1971, and January 18, 2017. How are these dates connected?
Let me tell you. I was on quick reaction Gunfighter alert duty at Da Nang AB Vietnam on March 23, 1971. (To continue reading this article, click here.)
U.S. Army Chaplain (CPT) Harold W. Morris, Conducts Baptismal Service, March 27, 2017, at Camp Taji, Iraq
U.S. Army Chaplain (CPT) Harold W. Morris
Conducts Baptismal Service,
March 27, 2017, at Camp Taji, Iraq
The soldier being baptized grew up in China, came to America to attend college and joined the U. S. military to serve the nation. Praise the Lord for Chaplain Morris’s ministry to our troops!
U. S. Marine Corps ECA Chaplain (LCDR) Philip N. Park Recipient of 2016 Marine Force Command (MARCOM) Professional Naval Chaplaincy Excellence Award
U. S. Marine Corps ECA Chaplain (LCDR) Philip N. Park Recipient of 2016 Marine Force Command (MARCOM) Professional Naval Chaplaincy Excellence Award
Chaplain Park holding award plaque
MARCOM, which each year selects one chaplain to honor as Chaplain of the Year, bestowed the award upon Chaplain Park March 21, 2017. An associated letter of commendation from the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, acknowledged Chaplain Park's "displaying superior talent, exceptional professionalism, and boundless energy and enthusiasm". The letter also cited, "As a Religious Ministry Expert, your dedication and esprit de corps was unmatched and materially contributed to your Command Religious Program and to the reputations of the reputations of the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, the Navy Chaplain Corps, and the Navy and Marine Corps team at large."
Congratulations Chaplain Park!
ECA Celebrates April 14, 2017 Graduation of Two Members and One Chaplain Candidate From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
ECA Celebrates April 14, 2017 Graduation of Two Members and One Chaplain Candidate From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
(l. to r.) Chaplain Candidate 1LT Victor David Perez, CH (1LT) Se Jun Yu and CH (1LT) Kyung Mok Lee
Chaplain (LT COL, RET) Gregory Estes, a member of the ECA’s Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors, attended the ceremony.
Chaplain Yu naturalized (through the Department of Homeland Security) April 13, 2017 with Chaplain Lee slated for naturalization the next week
ECA Recognizes May 10, 2017 Graduation of CH (LTJG) Michael A. Lanz from Naval Chaplaincy School April 14, 2017, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
ECA Recognizes May 10, 2017 Graduation of CH (LTJG) Michael A. Lanz from Naval Chaplaincy School April 14, 2017, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Chaplain Lanz with wife, Kimberly
ECA Delegation Lays Wreath August 11, 2017, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in a Memorial Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia (video below)
ECA Delegation Lays Wreath August 11, 2017, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in a Memorial Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia (video below)
(l. to r.) U.S Army Chaplain (COL) Kenneth R. Sorenson, Board Chairman Dr. Samuel S. Goebel, ECA President Dr. Robert H. Turrill, Military Chaplain Commission Chairman Dr. Elmon R. Krupnik
To view the video of the ceremony, click here.
ECA celebrates the graduation of Chaplain John Haebong Lee from Commissioned Officer Training September 20, 2017, at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
ECA celebrates the graduation of Chaplain John Haebong Lee from Commissioned Officer Training September 20, 2017, at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
CH (1st Lt) John Haebong Lee joined for the occasion by CH (MAJ) Katherine M. Scott, ECA Military Chaplain Commission member and Staff Chaplain at the Air Force Chaplain College
Dr. Krupnik Appointed State Chaplain of the New Mexico National Guard September 21, 2017
Dr. Krupnik Appointed State Chaplain of the New Mexico National Guard September 21, 2017
Colonel Krupnik (l.) with his Commander, Major General Nava, The Adjutant General for the New Mexico National Guard
Congratulations Chaplain Krupnik!
Chaplain (Major) Jeffrey L. Brooks, USA (Retired), Authors Supportive Devotional for Boot Camp
ECA's Chaplain (Major) Jeffrey L. Brooks, USA (Retired), Authors Supportive Devotional for Boot Camp
Chaplain Brooks
The devotional
Congratulations Chaplain Brooks on the occasion of this labor of love!
Dr. Krupnik in His 13th Year Instructing Marine Corps Officers
Dr. Krupnik in His 13th Year Instructing Marine Corps Officers
Dr. Krupnik (far left) with his current class
Rev. Thuan Domski, Hospital Chaplain and Civilian Military-Chaplain Assistant, Produces and Directs Biblical Play to be Performed at Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst Chapel
Rev. Thuan Domski, Hospital Chaplain and Civilian Military-Chaplain Assistant, Produces and Directs Biblical Play to be Performed at Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst Chapel
Chaplain Domski
Chaplain Domski also preaches at the chapel in addition to her other duties there. Besides hospital chaplaincy responsibilities, her labor of love also includes leading services at a nursing home.
Dr. Krupnik's Current Graduate Level Marine Corps Command and Staff College Seminar Class
Dr. Krupnik's Current Graduate Level Marine Corps Command and Staff College Seminar Class
Dr. Krupnik (standing)
Please remember to pray for all our service members and their families.
ECA Chaplain Aleck A. Brown, Ph.D., Honored on the Occasion of His Promotion to the Rank of Major, United States Air Force, November 30, 2017, in Ceremony at All Saints Chapel, Joint Base Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina
ECA Chaplain Aleck A. Brown, Ph.D., Honored on the Occasion of His Promotion to the Rank of Major, United States Air Force, November 30, 2017, in Ceremony at All Saints Chapel, Joint Base Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina
Major Brown (right) above and below with Officiator Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Bill Burrell, USAF Retired
Congratulations Chaplain Brown!
ECA Celebrates December 15, 2017 Graduation of Three Chaplain Candidates From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
ECA Celebrates December 15, 2017 Graduation of Three Chaplain Candidates From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Chaplain (LT COL, RET) Gregory Estes, a member of the ECA’s Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors, attended the ceremony.
Congratulations Chaplain Candidates!
U.S. Army's ECA Chaplain David M. Chapman promoted to rank of Major January 8, 2016
U.S. Army's ECA Chaplain David M. Chapman promoted to rank of Major January 8, 2016
Major Chapman (r.) joined for the occasion by the ECA’s Chaplain Colonel Kenneth R. Sorenson
Congratulations Chaplain Chapman!
The ECA's Tasha S. James Appointed 1st Lieutenant Chaplain with the U.S. Air Force Reserve January 15, 2016 at Joint Base Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina
The ECA's Tasha S. James Appointed 1st Lieutenant Chaplain with the U.S. Air Force Reserve January 15, 2016 at Joint Base Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina
Congratulation Chaplain James!
CH(1LT) James taking the oath of office
New ECA Members Pursuing Military Chaplaincy Received February 20 at the ECA’s 2016 Winter Gathering in Goodyear, Arizona
New ECA Members Pursuing Military Chaplaincy Received February 20 at the ECA’s 2016 Winter Gathering in Goodyear, Arizona
Joined by the ECA chaplains Captain Lauralee Ozello (1st row, far left), Captain Daniel Price (2nd row, far left), Military Chaplain Commissioner Dr. Elmon Krupnik (2nd row, far right), and Captain Tim Jacobs (3rd row, center)
ECA U.S. Navy Chaplain Lieutenant La Toya Zavala Conducts Resurrection Sunday Baptismal Service, March 27, 2016, in Iwakuni, Japan
ECA U.S. Navy Chaplain Lieutenant La Toya Zavala Conducts Resurrection Sunday Baptismal Service, March 27, 2016, in Iwakuni, Japan
ECA Celebrates April 8, 2016 Graduation of Three Members and One Chaplain Candidate From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
ECA Celebrates April 8, 2016 Graduation of Three Members and One Chaplain Candidate From U.S. Army Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina
(l. to r.) Chaplain Candidate 1LT Kyle Aaron Peachey, CH (1LT) Harold Woody Morris, CH (1LT) Christopher David Smith, and CH (1LT) Paul Joseph Perreault
Chaplain (LTC) USA RET Gregory Estes, a member of the ECA’s Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors, attended the ceremony.
ECA’s Chaplain Captain Alfred Matthews, U.S. Army, Earns Doctor of Ministry Degree May 21, 2016, from Erskine Theology Seminary, Due West, South Carolina
ECA’s Chaplain Captain Alfred Matthews, U.S. Army, Earns Doctor of Ministry Degree May 21, 2016, from Erskine Theology Seminary, Due West, South Carolina
CH (CPT) Matthews
The timely degree dissertation entitled “Efficacy of the Biblical Lament as a Mode of Expression for Moral Distress Among Chaplains”, is a labor love. May the Lord use it mightily to bless military chaplains and those in uniform they serve.
ECA Chaplains Tasha James and Juan Reyes Recognized for June 3, 2016 Graduation from Air Force Chaplain Corps College Basic Chaplain Course, Fort Jackson, South Carolina
ECA Chaplains Tasha James and Juan Reyes Recognized for June 3, 2016 Graduation from Air Force Chaplain Corps College Basic Chaplain Course, Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Chaplain (1LT) James joined for the occasion by ECA Military Chaplain Commission Member Chaplain (LTC) USA RET Gregory Estes
Chaplain (1LT) Reyes (center) at the graduation ceremony
The ECA's Isaiah A. Marshall Appointed 1st Lieutenant July 20, 2016 and Awaiting Orders for Assignment as Air Force IMA Reserve Chaplain at Little Rock Air Force Base Near Little Rock, Arkansas
The ECA's Isaiah A. Marshall Appointed 1st Lieutenant July 20, 2016 and Awaiting Orders for Assignment as Air Force IMA Reserve Chaplain at Little Rock Air Force Base Near Little Rock, Arkansas
Congratulations Chaplain Marshall!
CH(1LT) Marshall (right) taking the oath of office
Dr. Krupnik Participates in Challenging Labor Day Weekend Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike
Dr. Krupnik Participates in Challenging Labor Day Weekend Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike
Group photos with Dr. Krupnik in the foreground before(above) and after (below) the hike
Saturday, September 3, 2016, on location in Grand Canyon, Arizona, Dr. Krupnik, along with 19 other Arizona Army National Guard soldiers, set out to hike the 23.9 mile (plus two additional miles if electing to extend the effort to include Ribbon Falls) Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Experience. According to the National Park Service website, “For the hearty souls who are willing to work for it – less than one percent of the Grand Canyon’s five million annual visitors – the real magic lies below the rim. On this epic Grand Canyon hike, you’ll leave from the North Kaibab Trail on the North Rim, challenging your personal limits as you descend 14.3 miles and 6,000 feet to the bottom of the canyon before connecting with the Bright Angel Trail and climbing 4,500 feet and 9.6 miles back out again to the South Rim.” The good news is that all 20 of the group completed the hike.
Congratulations Soldiers!
The State of New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Appoints the ECA’s Rev. Lester Shelley Pastor-Chaplain
The State of New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Appoints the ECA’s Rev. Lester Shelley Pastor-Chaplain
Rev. Lester Shelley
Rev. Shelley, a decorated US Army Veteran and Associate Minister at First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, New Jersey, will be installed September 25, 2016, 6 PM, at the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park. The facility provides care for 312 veterans and their spouses. May the Lord bless Pastor Shelly’s labor of love as he ministers to them there on location.
U.S. Air Force Reserve Chaplain 1st Lieutenant Pierre D. St. Louis Accessioned October 5, 2016
U.S. Air Force Reserve Chaplain 1st Lieutenant Pierre D. St. Louis Accessioned October 5, 2016
CH(1LT) St. Louis taking oath of office
Congratulations Chaplain St. Louis!
Ministering Amidst the Devastation: Oso, Washington's muslide
(ECA Chaplain Kenneth Bailey)
Most recently I was called out by the Washington State Patrol to go to the Mudslide in Oso, WA. Approaching this sight it was, as they said; unimaginable; so much devastation! As I arrived on the sight I was called to attend to two men who had just found a small baby and their hearts were broken; never dreaming in their life that this is something they would do one day. I spent time with them; listening, caring and sharing with them in this most difficult moment of their life. The two men were not firefighters, officers, or even search and rescue personnel, but Department of Transportation workers in the process of clearing the road. They were going slow, very watchful, knowing of the potential for victims in their path. Even so, they were not prepared for what they would find as you can imagine it was very traumatic for them!

Rev. George Pickard, a Veteran Ministering to Fellow Veterans through Celebrate Recovery's "Welcome Home" Initiative
Rev. George Pickard, a Veteran Ministering to Fellow Veterans through Celebrate Recovery's "Welcome Home" Initiative
Putting on the Armor of Light
By Chaplain George Pickard
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. During 2016, CR celebrated its 25-year history of success helping all people in need to recover. Well, we all sin and fall short due to our human sin nature, this means all of us – that’s you and me. Last year CR announced that it was taking on four giants: 1. Human trafficking of women and children, 2. Native Nations, 3. Mental Health, and 4. "Welcome Home."
Welcome Home provides a specific and safe sanctuary for more than veterans with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Veterans and first responders and their families, more and more are reaching out for help with their needs. Issues and symptoms surrounding PTSD are widely recognized as clinical sicknesses. This significant outreach, “Welcome Home” has established “A Safe Place” for our veterans. We of The Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA) have a long history of successfully providing ministerial guidance within our military components. Our country’s military members serve their active duty tours serving a higher power and purpose – their country. Yet when active duty periods are over, our veterans are often released back into society - with Veterans Administration assistance - without a higher purpose. CR seeks to come to grips with that transition with its Christian perspective and a Christ-driven purpose.
Within CR there is no counseling. Those in need who have the courage to show up and express their hurts are provided a safe place to “open up” with vulnerability. In this aspect, CR is like the Alcoholics’ Anonymous (AA) program with its 12 Step process. As CR is specifically Christ Centered, counseling is done outside CR, often within CR’s host church community.
We also note that both ECA and CR have a well-established presence within various prison ministries. Many prison chaplains use CR as a program to help change lives.
Many of our ECA members have experienced the challenges of counseling – the harvest is plentiful but laborers are few. Let us all consider possible linkages between ECA and CR. For ECA ministers who wish to continue serving military families not specifically on active duty, their awareness of CR’s new (2016) initiative “Welcome Home,” may open another path of service to His Kingdom. There seem to be opportunities within both ECA and CR to enhance an awareness of their missions and outreach through cooperative relationships that build upon individual and combined strengths. Celebrate Recovery - - has an extensive website addressing the above and applying “Life’s Healing Choices,” CR’s 12 Step Programs, and CR’s Eight Recovery Principles. There’s even a program for us, “CPR,” Celebrating Pastors in Recovery.
Questions for our readers.
- We would like to hear from you regarding any involvement and experience you have had with CR.
- Also as part of each of us girding the fullness of God’s armor, there may be other programs you have used in your ministries that you would like to share with us.
(This writer is an ECA member, a participant in the CR program, has served in both the hospital and prison ministry settings, and is a 27-year veteran with Agent Orange-related disabilities.)
U.S. Army's Chaplain Kenneth R. Sorenson Promoted to Rank of Colonel
COL Sorenson (r.) joined for the occasion by Dr. Elmon Krupnik, ECA Military Chaplain Commission Chairman
December 30, 2015 marked the date at Ft. Hood, Texas of the ceremony for the promotion of Chaplain Kenneth R. Sorenson to the rank of Colonel. He is now one of only 98 active-duty chaplain colonels serving in the US Army and the first active-duty chaplain endorsed by the Evangelical Church Alliance International to be promoted to this rank.
Congratulations Chaplain Sorenson!
The laying on of hands by his fellow chaplains (l. to r.), COL Schannep (RET), Dr. Krupnik, and BG Bailey (RET)
Chaplain (MAJ) Patrick L. Devine, Accessions Officer, U.S. Army Office of the Chief of Chaplains
Chaplain (MAJ) Devine
The impactful sketch below, entitled “Brothers in Arms”, captures the moment as Chaplain Devine pauses with a fellow chaplain before the memorial ceremony in May 2012 for two Paratroopers from the 425th Brigade Special Troops Battalion in Khost Province, Afghanistan. This moving work by Chaplain Devine’s son, Patrick, is of a photo taken by our fellow ECA member’s Chaplain Assistant.
Chaplain Devine (r.) with fellow chaplain at memorial ceremony
Dr. Krupnik Instructs Marine Corps Officers in Seminar Class
Dr. Krupnik (4th from left)
Captain Oleksandr Ishchuk Sworn in November 9, 2015 as ECA Active Duty U.S. Army Chaplain
CH (CPT) Oleksandr Ishcuk (right)
The ECA’s LT Gale B. White, Command Chaplain of the USS Fort McHenry (LSD43), Navy & Marine Association Leadership Award Recipient
Congratulations Chaplain White!
CH(LT) White holding award reading as follows:
ECA's Chaplain Alan Cameron promoted September 1, 2015 at Mayport Naval Station, Jacksonville Florida to the rank of Commander, Chaplain Corps, U.S. N
CDR Cameron (right) joined for the occasion by Dr. Elmon Krupnik, ECA Military Chaplain Commission Chairman
U.S. Army Chaplain Sun Do Kim "on the job"
U.S. Army Chaplain 1st Lt. Sun Do Kim
U.S. Army Soldiers attend a sermon given by U.S. Army Chaplain 1st Lt. Sun Do Kim, from the 419th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, at Fort McCoy, Wis., Aug. 16, 2015. The 84th Training Command’s third and final Combat Support Training Exercise of the year hosted by the 86th Training Division at Fort McCoy, Wis., is a multi-component and joint endeavor aligned with other reserve component exercises including Diamond Saber, Red Dragon, Trans Warrior, and Exportable Combat Training Capability. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Cody Hein/Released)
Dr. Turrill with other Federal Prison Chaplain Endorsers from across the U.S. for August 13, 2015 Ecclesiastical Endorsers and Chaplains Meeting in De
Federal Bureau of Prisons Chief Chaplain Rev. Dr. Michael R. Smith, Sr. (foreground) and Dr. Turrill (1st row, 4th from left)
August 13, 2015 Graduation of Chaplains Onuoha, Yang and Kim from Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
CH (1LT) John Onuoha, Army National Guard, with wife and son
CH (1LT) Steve Yang, Active Duty Army
CH (CPT) Cheon-Chong Kim, Active Duty Army
U.S. Navy July 31, 2015 Commissioning Ceremony for the ECA's Chaplain (CPT) Gary Lewis at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska
CH (MAJ) Matt Atkins administers
the Oath of Office to Chaplain (CPT) Lewis (right)
Elder Dyson (of the JBER Gospel Service) exhorts the Lewis family to fulfill the Great Commission and then leads the audience in a prayer for their Navy ministry.
ECA recognizes the July 9, 2015 graduation of Azariah Terrell from the U. S. Air Force Chaplain Candidate Course at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Caro
Azariah Terrell (center)
Azariah with Chaplain (LTC) USA RET Gregory Estes, member of the ECA's Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors
ECA U.S. Air Force Chaplain Earns Ph.D.
Chaplain (CPT) Aleck A. Brown
On June 13, 2015, ECA author and Chaplain (CPT) Aleck A. Brown received a Ph. D. in Biblical Preaching from Newburgh Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown’s dissertation topic, “The Personhood of the Holy Spirit”, should be of interest to all seeking truth regarding the Third Person of the Godhead. The ECA joins this brother in Christ in celebrating his accomplishment and praising the Lord for it! The publication of the dissertation, as well as the republication of the his first book, New Testament Handbook, are forthcoming.
ECA Chaplain (CPT) Timothy Jacobs on the occasion of his May 22, 2015 graduation from U.S. Air Force Chaplain School at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South
Congratulations Dr. Jacobs!
Chaplain (CPT) Jacobs (center)
ECA celebrates May 20, 2015 graduation of members from U.S. Navy Chaplain School at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina
Chaplain (LT) Jason Dillon
(second from left)
Chaplain (LTJG) Solomon Han (right) with Chaplain (LTC) USA RET Gregory Estes, member of the ECA’s Military Chaplain Commission and International Board of Directors
The ECA's Lieutenant Jason Dillon commissioned 3/19/2015 for active-duty chaplaincy in the U.S. Navy
Chaplain (LT) Dillon
1st Lieutenant Anthony Amos accessioned to become a chaplain in the Georgia Army National Guard 221st Military Intelligence Battalion
Chaplain Amos at December 7, 2014 Pinning Ceremony
ECA U.S. Military Chaplain Wins Birrer-Brooks Award
“Chaplain Major Valeria Van Dress holding MMAS diploma”
The ECA is honored to recognize U.S. Army Chaplain Major Valeria Van Dress as the recent recipient of the distinguished Birrer-Brooks Award for her thesis, a monumental work evaluating the legitimacy of atheist chaplains in the military. Possessing a D. Min. from Erskine Theological Seminary, Chaplain Van Dress’s extensive experience includes, among many posts, deployment to Afghanistan, ministering at the Burn Center at Brook Army Medical Center in Ft. Sam Houston, Texas and serving as an instructor and writer for the Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course of the U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School. The following is a statement from Brigadier General Christopher P. Hughes, Deputy Commanding General, Combined Arms Center Leader Development & Education Deputy Commandant, Command and General Staff School, acknowledging her accomplishment:
Subject: The Birrer-Brooks Award for Outstanding MMAS Thesis Winner for CGSOC Class 14-01 (UNCLASSIFIED)
Ladies & Gentlemen,
***Sent on behalf of BG Hughes***
The Birrer-Brookes Award recognizes the author of the "most outstanding thesis" from each graduating Master of Military Art and Science degree cohort of the Command and General Staff School. The name of the award honors the contributions to CGSC of Dr. Ivan Birrer and Dr. Phillip Brookes. Dr. Birrer nurtured the concept of a Master of Military Art and Science degree for CGSC from its initial proposal in the early 1960s through its formal authorization in public law in 1974. The Faculty thesis committee chairpersons submit nominations for the award to the CGSC Graduate Faculty Council, which in turn forms a panel of scholars to review and rank the nominated theses.
From 20 very commendable theses nominated this year, the CGSOC Class 14-01 winner of best thesis is, "For Man and Country: Atheist Chaplains in the U.S. Army," by CH (MAJ) Valeria Van Dress.
Congratulations on a job well done!
…and the ECA congratulates her too! To view this impressive thesis, click here.
In praise to God,
Bob Turrill
Dr. Elmon Krupnik speaks with Doug Carver about ECA chaplains at the Chaplain Alliance for Relgious Liberty meeting 09/29/2014 in Washington, D.C.
Captain Lance Sellon's swearing in as one of ECA's newly accessioned chaplains in the Florida National Guard on 08/22/2014.
ECA Military Chaplains Gather July 31 at our 2014 International Conference in Branson, Missouri
ECA Chaplain Baek Leads Prayer at US Capitol Event
ECA Chaplain Captain Peter E. Baek leads in prayer at the "Washington: Man of Prayer" Commemorative Service, held at the US Capitol on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014.
(CH Baek, son Zach (L) and ECA CH Lt. Col. Colin F. Smith (R))
"It was an exciting yet humbling experience to be part of such an historical event. To pray for our nation with our elected officials and religious leaders is an event that my son and I will never forget. I was grateful for the invitation to pray especially for the members of our military and be joined by my son was the highlight for us. As an active duty Army Chaplain praying for the service members and Families is something that I always do and consider a privilege, but to pray in that environment made it even more special." ~ Chaplain Baek
Good Friday Walk/Run
Members of the Arizona National Guard participated in the annual Good Friday Walk/Run in Phoenix, Arizona. Special participants were Brigadier General John Burk (to the left of the cross) and World War II veteran Mr. Boone (in wheelchair). Mr. Boone was with one of the first experimental parachute units (before the Band of Brothers units) and had several combat jumps in Europe during World War II. A man of faith, reading his Bible and Daily Bread every day, he also has his personal supply of ketchup with him at every meal “just in case.” Brother Boone is truly an outstanding example of someone who has run the race and finished the course. Remarks this faithful servant of the Lord, “It was through faith that God has sustained me in peace and war.”
ECA Chaplains Serve in Aftermath of Ft. Hood Tragedy

Beyond Retirement

Chaplain (Captain) Joel Montes served as a chaplain in the US Army from 2008-2014. His service began at Fort Rucker, AL, deploying to Kuwait and Iraq with 1-58th Aviation Battalion in 2008. His second assignment was to Fort Hood, TX, with deployment to Iraq with the 62nd Signal Battalion in 2011.
Among his various venues of his ministry, Chaplain Montes enjoyed leading retreats for soldiers and their families. Some highlights over the years included procuring funding at Fort Rucker for his men's ministry group there to attend the Grid Iron Men's Conference in 2010. Another highlight involved the Rough Cut Men's Conference, which he co-hosted in 2013 with the Officers’ Christian Fellowship at Ft. Hood. While at Ft. Hood, he also led a Spanish Bible study. He loved pastoral counseling and building mentoring relationships with soldiers seeking to draw closer to God. Joel thought it an honor to hold examination boards on behalf of the ECA, participating in the blessing of several men entering the chaplaincy.
He is now pursuing a ministry for combat veterans and plans to study counseling or social work in order to provide care for soldiers suffering from mental health issues and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Chaplain Montes has an MA in Biblical/Theological Studies from Talbot School of Theology. Joel and his wife, Claudia, live in Huntington Beach, CA.

Tyrone Luines swearing in as one of ECA's newest military chaplains on 09/24/2013

Spiritual Refreshment
Message From
CH (CPT) Chuck Lowman
1/11ACR Squadron Chaplain
Fort Irwin, CA
For anyone that’s been on a rotation through the National Training Center (NTC), a world of extremes would be an appropriate description. From freezing temperatures in the winter, to extreme heat in the summer, and a very challenging OPTEMPO, the NTC pushes those extremes to the limit. One of unspoken goals of the NTC is to stress and break the systems of the Rotational Training Unit (RTU – the unit coming to the NTC to be trained), to see how those systems hold up under pressure. This stress is purposeful, to make the teams learn from their mistakes, to make their systems better, and in the words of my Squadron Commander, “To make their worst day be here at the National Training Center, so that they will be prepared when they face real bullets downrange!”
For me, I can see many similarities in the Spiritual struggle. Paul encourages us in Romans 5:3-5, “we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” In this chain of character development – from out trials being met with perseverance, e.g. sticking it out when times get tough, to the enduring hope we have as believers because of the love we experience from God through his Holy Spirit – we cannot experience the love of God without first experiencing the trials. We will not know His faithfulness unless His faithfulness falls into question.
But the good thing about our trials is this – the trials God sends our way are not intended to destroy us. They may break us, but they will not destroy us. It is the enemy’s desire to destroy us (John 10:10; I Pet 5:8). Just like we here at the NTC work to break and stress the systems and tactics of the RTU, God’s desire is to stress and break us to make us more like himself.
If you’re anything like me, you’re like, “Okay… I’m broken and feel destroyed… what now?” If there is anything I can encourage you, is that we must make sure to go back to our Savior, and seek his rest. I’ve been serving in operational units for six years now. There are many times that I’ve found myself burning both ends of the candle, wondering where my relief will come from. Even here at the NTC, life as an OPFOR Chaplain is nonstop. But the promises I must rest in are these – Mt. 11:28, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”; Ps. 46:10, “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
All too often, we don’t take the time to rest spiritually. I recently took some leave, and took my wife, kiddos, dog, and camp trailer to the eastern Sierras for some camping and fly-fishing. Just that time away, wading in the river with fly-rod in hand, praying and enjoying God’s creation, helped me to rejuvenate. In working with my chain of command, especially in pastoring a chapel service and ministering to a unit of 800+ infantrymen, tankers, and artillerymen in a CAV squadron, I need to make sure I get time for myself and my family. Getting out of work on Friday after PT is a solution. I need to paint that picture to my Boss, why it’s necessary for me and my ministry to his soldiers. Otherwise, I become burned out and ineffective. But in that time, I must be devoted to the spiritual disciplines that help me connect with my savior. Disciplines such as prayer, fasting, scripture memory, meditation, seclusion, acts of service, add your own, are crucial in staying connected with the Savior. When you do get the time to rest, make sure to rest. It is too easy to get wrapped up in everything else, and miss out on what is really important – your relationship with the Savior.
If you look at the picture attached, you’ll see the snow-cone ministry I’ve taken up with my soldiers in the 1st Squadron, 11th ACR. This day was a particularly hot and sweltery day – humid and no breeze whatsoever with temperatures pushing 110 degrees – the image came to mind of the rich man, separated from God for all of eternity – and begging for a drop of water from Lazarus’ finger. If I cannot stay fresh and rejuvenated for my soldiers, eternity is at stake. Make sure to take the time you need to connect with Jesus Christ.
Chaplain (MAJ) Jeffrey L. Brooks
Congratulations and happy retirement on 22 years of service to God and Country!

Combat Boots and Prayer
Story by Sgt. Lauren Twigg

(Chaplains from the Arizona Army National Guard conducted a recent spiritual exercise held at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Ariz.)
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - The soldiers file into the room and take seats behind large hand drums placed by each chair, which have been situated into a circle. The instructor advises them to take up the drums and get ready to play. The soldiers sheepishly grab hold of the drums in front of them and begin following the instructor’s lead. A few minutes later, the sound of beating drums loudly bounce off the walls. Smiles and laughter, and at times, flailing of arms and dancing can be observed as the soldiers get more comfortable with what they are doing. This was just one part of the training chaplains and chaplain’s assistants from the Arizona Army National Guard recently received during a recent spiritual exercise held at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale. The first-ever training entitled, “A Time for Renewal, A Time for Growth, A Time to Connect,” was designed to help chaplains, candidates and chaplain’s assistants reconnect with the chaplain corps. “Any practice that broadens the corps’ understanding of spiritual disciplines strengthens us in our individual callings and binds us more readily together as a religious support team,” said Capt. Brad Walgren, a chaplain assigned to the 158th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the officer in charge of this event. “One of the greatest outcomes of the exercise was the Unit Ministry Teams now all know each other personally and have worshipped together as one.”
The training not only included learning about spiritual resiliency, but also included various prayerful techniques, which entailed activities such as lectio divina, centering prayer and the healing drum circle, provided by a range of community resources.
“The training here was designed to not only add new spiritual practices to our tool kits, but also broaden our community resources to provide for our soldiers who are of various backgrounds and faiths,” Walgren said. During the training, discussions and planning for better ways to maintain soldier readiness were held as well, which helped re-establish their soldier responsibilities.
“We want to escape from this stigma that the chaplain or his assistant are just the guys who stand on the sidelines waiting to provide spiritual help,” said Col. John Morris, staff chaplain from the National Guard Bureau. “We are soldiers, too, and our first duty as soldiers is to maintain our own readiness and uphold the Warrior Ethos.”
It’s become a growing trend that within the chaplain corps it is acceptable practice to not ensure we are mission-ready as well- and it’s typically because we are so busy helping others, Morris points out.
“Guard members are twice the soldier because they’ve got a home game and away game – every drill is crucial training, because they must be ready for local incidents, as well as global deployments,” Morris said. “The days of a sleepy Army Guard back when I joined in 1984 – those days are gone. Not being mission-ready will get someone hurt, or worse.”
Across the state, the chaplains and assistance rarely get to train together, as they are all individually-assigned to units, so this was a unique chance for them to work together on a common level of training.
“We don’t get an opportunity like this where we can all come together and train, so it’s helpful to get everyone from all across the state and motivate them to see that there is a chaplain corps, and can bring camaraderie and fellowship to the table,” said Col. Elmon Krupnik, the state chaplain for the Arizona Army National Guard.
According to Walgren, the chaplain corps provides and performs worship services, rites, sacraments, ordinances, pastoral and spiritual care and religious education to nurture the living, care for the dying, and honor the dead.
The event helped the spiritual leaders “re-energize,” as Krupnik put it, so they can re-engage with their duties as chaplains and chaplain’s assistants, and to get to know all the community resources Arizona has to offer to service members.
“My hope is that they take the information and training received today and apply it personally,” Krupnik said. “I believe that a lot of personal decisions we make tend to affect the professional ones we make, so really if we are making good personal decisions, then it will reflect professionally as well.”
Meet ECA Military Chaplain (CPT) Andrew Lee with the 158th Corps Support Battalion of the Arizona Army National Guard

Chaplain Lee and his wife, Robin
Click on the following link to learn about Chaplain Lee's role in the military and law enforcement:
The Greatest Battlefield
Message from
CH (CPT) Nathan Whitham
100thBSB, 75th FIB
Battalion Chaplain
(Pictured below with his wife Becca)
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (Matt. 16:24)
Notice he did not say take up my cross. There is not a one of us who is capable of dying for the sins of the world. Despite our profession, very few will be called upon to lay down their lives at all. No, the cross we bear is self-inflicted, and many are wounded in its wake. We are all selfish by nature. Modern psychology and pop-culture will tell us we need to “love ourselves”, “build our self-esteem”, and “look out for number one.” However, the more we pursue such an agenda, the more shallow and unfulfilled our lives become. It is one of life’s great paradoxes that the greatest self-fulfillment happens when the desires of self are set aside for the needs and desires of others. Therein lies the secret to all great endeavors and every meaningful relationship.
Imagine the impact of a wife who shows respect to her husband regardless of him earning or deserving it. She does not nag or remind him of every flaw or mistake he’s made since the dawn of time. She devotes herself to encouraging him and makes their home a place of safety and desire. It will not be long before such a husband begins to move mountains for her. By investing herself in him, she will unlock the passion and intimacy she has so long craved.
Picture a husband who loves his wife unconditionally. He puts her needs and desires ahead of his own. He is her servant. He turns off the X-box and the TV to pursue her heart. After she gets over the initial suspicion and shock, he will find he has unleashed the most powerful force in the universe apart from God himself. Nothing and no one can stand in the way of a man who has the admiration and love of a wife behind him.
We cannot… I repeat… We cannot change our spouse. We can only change ourselves. We are responsible for our own actions and attitudes. Expecting our spouse to make us happy is both wildly unrealistic and unfair. Only in setting aside our own selfish desires will we find peace and harmony. Begin to do this and your marriage will survive any challenges life my throw your way. Conquer self, conquer all!
Dr. Elmon Krupnik participates in Good Friday morning Walk/Run of the Stations of the Cross with veterans & active duty members of the National Guard

ECA Chaplain Commission Chairman meets with Kazakhstan VIPs
“In our country we have the Russian Orthodox Church and many sects of Islam,” the interpreter relays for Bishop Novgorod,“and now we have many new denominations vying for in your military and institutions have you kept diversity instead of one voice taking over?” This question and many like it were at the heart of the Interfaith Dialogue 12MAR13 in Scottsdale, AZ
Panel of Arizona chaplains and Kazakhstan religious leaders
The panel was put together by the Arizona Council for International Visitors (AZCIV). The program selects important up-and-coming persons from countries all across the globe and sponsors them on a visit to the U.S. Where the visitors have a chance to meet and exchange ideas with counterparts from their professional backgrounds. The Kazakhstan panel, consisting of an Imam, a Senior Pastor of a “New Life” Church, a Lutheran Bishop and the Director of the Religious Issues Information Center expressed a keen interest in meeting with military and institutional chaplains.
Dr. Elmon Krupnik and other Arizona chaplains fielded questions ranging from the roles of chaplains in hospitals and prisons, the history and need for chaplains, chaplain diversity, funding, effectiveness, training, and best practices.
“A year and a half ago a law was passed that separated all religious functions from the military,” said Ghassan Amankulov, Naib-Imam of the Central Mosque in Astana. “What you have here (in the U.S.) is very interesting to us.”

Once opposites in the Cold War, Dr. Elmon Krupnik (left) speaks with Bishop Yuriy Novgorodov of Kazakhstan’s Evangelical Lutheran Church concerning implementation of religious support to Kazakhstan’s military.
Without George Washington’s conviction that “chaplains of character and good conversation” were mandatory for “good order”in the armed forces, one could only wonder where we would be as a nation. These are the wrestlings of religious support in Kazakhstan as we speak. May the God of us all bless their way.
ECA Chaplain Joseph R. Mason
One of our Army Chaplains, Joseph R. Mason, member of the ECA and a native of Salem, Oregon, prays for the soldiers assigned to him prior to a current military operation in Afghanistan. Please remember to pray for our chaplains and the military members and families they serve.

ECA Military Chaplain Commission words of encouragement
To our Fellow Chaplains and ECA Members,
We often hear the phrase that the one constant in life is change. However, as followers and disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we have another more important constant, which is God’s love. Although we often cannot control the changes that take place in our lives, we can control our responses to those changes. Are we exhibiting God’s love through the changing circumstances in which we find ourselves?
As we are part of a changing environment, the Evangelical Church Alliance has done and is doing all it can to support our chaplains and ECA members in their ministries. We are involved where we can be, and continue to determine if additional policies need to be created to support and protect our chaplains and ECA members so that you can continue to perform and provide in your ministries according to your faith and conscience.
Throughout my military career, the following quote from G.K. Chesterton has often come to mind: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” We do not know what is going to be in front of us in the future, but we need always to be prepared for the unknown circumstances that happen in our ministries. We need to be able to minister as God has called each and every one of us in a very special and unique way to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In whatever situation you may be facing, and as we face the uncertainties of the future, the ECA leadership encourages you to continue the ministry to which you were called, keeping in mind, first and foremost, God’s love.