Civilian Members News
“Knights of the 21st Century”, an Effectual Men's Ministry, Developed by the ECA's Dr. Roy Smith
“Knights of the 21st Century”, an Effectual Men's Ministry, Developed by the ECA's Dr. Roy Smith
Dr. Smith
A fruitful and essential kingdom work for this day and age, “Knights of the 21st Century” ( produces DVD/curriculum programs to help men grow and learn how to lead more effectively, contributing to the overarching goal of positively changing our culture. The National Coalition of Ministries to Men chose “Knights of the 21st Century” as Men’s Ministry of the Year for 2015. Dr. Smith, also the author of several books in the area of men’s issues, has served in addition as a consultant for several women’s DVD/curriculum series. The founder and CEO of Pennsylvania Counseling Services ( of which “Knights of the 21st Century” is a division, he holds a Master of Divinity as well as a Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
The ECA’s Dr. Aleck Brown Authors Second Book
The ECA’s Dr. Aleck Brown Authors Second Book
Dr. Aleck Brown
Dr. Brown, the author of New Testament Handbook, just released his second book, The Personhood of the Holy Spirit, also the topic of his Ph.D. dissertation. To learn more about both works and to read his informative bio, click here.
ECA’s Chaplain Joseph Choi Earns Doctor of Ministry Degree Dec. 17, 2016, through Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California
ECA’s Chaplain Joseph Choi Earns Doctor of Ministry Degree Dec. 17, 2016, through Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California
Brother Choi
Congratulations Dr. Choi and may the Lord be praised!
Dr. Samuel S. Goebel, ECA’s Chairman of the Board and Former President, Guest Evangelist for October 13-16, 2016, Revival at Everett Community Church in Everett County, Missouri
Dr. Samuel S. Goebel, ECA’s Chairman of the Board and Former President, Guest Evangelist for October 13-16, 2016, Revival at Everett Community Church in Everett County, Missouri
Dr. Goebel
Revival attendees gathered at Everett Community Church
Thank you, Brother Goebel, for preaching the Word!
Dr. Lemenager Featured Speaker at August 20, 2016, ECA-Sponsored Seminar for Korean Immigrant Pastors
Dr. Lemenager Featured Speaker on August 20, 2016, ECA-Sponsored Seminar for Korean Immigrant Pastors
Dr. Lemenager at the pulpit for the occasion and accompanied by the ECA’s US Army Chaplain (Captain) Joseph Choi
To read Christianity Daily’s excellent article, ‘Your Labor Is Not In Vain’: Pastors Encouraged to Persevere, written by Rachel Lee for the occasion, click here.
Rev. Myles and Katharine Weiss of Zola Levitt Ministries Lead Television Production Team to Film Holocaust Series in Poland and Israel
Rev. Myles and Katharine Weiss of Zola Levitt Ministries Lead Television Production Team to Film Holocaust Series in Poland and Israel
Rev. and Katharine Weiss (5th and 6th from left) with other members of the production team at the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp
(Photo: Ken Berg-Zola Levitt Ministries)
This past spring the ECA’s Rev. Myles Weiss and his wife, Katharine, co-hosts of the weekly television program, Zola Levitt Presents, of Zola Levitt Ministries (, led a production team to film the series, Beauty for Ashes, on location in Poland and Israel. To air in September (2016), this labor of love hosts eight programs including footage and on-site teaching from Auschwitz-Birkenau, interviews with Holocaust survivors and teaching from reborn Israel featuring the nation’s marvel of agriculture, artistic breakthroughs and interviews with some of the land of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s high-tech leaders. The haunting words, ARBEIT MACHT FREI (German for “Work sets you free”), shown in the photo above, were a cruel mockery to the doomed inmates systematically murdered at the concentration camp. This phrase (actually part of a title of a novel written in 1873 by the German nationalist, novelist, philologist, lexicographer, librarian and pastor Georg Anton Lorenz Diefenbach and with the theme that degenerates could redeem their virtue through labor), found a diabolical and convenient use by Nazi perpetrators 70 years later.
Also, our brother and sister invite you to click on to learn about their various ministries and greater vision, Golden Gate to Golden Gate, in their words “dedicated to bringing the message of God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people into alignment with the Church. Our message is proclaimed through television, print, online, and our two Messianic Congregations Beth Shalom and Beit Abba.” They asked for your prayers and support, and are available for speaking opportunities through contact information on the Golden Gate to Golden Gate website.
ECA’s Dr. Sotar Alphonso-Lloyd Ministers to the Lemba in Zimbabwe
ECA’s Dr. Sotar Alphonso-Lloyd Ministers to the Lemba in Zimbabwe
Dr. Alphonso-Lloyd with Lemba representatives
From April 7-17, 2016, Dr. Sotar Alphonso-Lloyd traveled on a medical mission trip with Jewish Voice Ministries International ( Serving as a chaplain, she ministered to the impoverished Jewish community of the Lemba in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe.
Dr. Scott Lemenager, Special Assistant to ECA President, Outstanding Faculty Award Recipient
Dr. Scott Lemenager, Special Assistant to ECA President, Outstanding Faculty Award Recipient
College President, Dr. John Avendano, presenting award to Dr. Lemenager (far right)
A scholar and educator, Rev. Lemenager, Adjunct Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, Kankakee Community College, received the award medallion bearing the words, Outstanding Faculty Member, during the May 14, 2016, graduation ceremony at Kankakee Community College in Illinois. Ordained with the ECA, he has extensive experience as a pastor, church planter, stated clerk of presbytery and servant in the international mission field.
Dr. Turrill, Guest of the Honorable Roey Gilad, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest U.S., at May 12, 2016, 68th Anniversary of the State of Israel Celebration in Chicago
Dr. Turrill, Guest of the Honorable Roey Gilad, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest U.S., at May 12, 2016, 68th Anniversary of the State of Israel Celebration in Chicago
Dr. Turrill with Consul General, Roey Gilad
Dr. and Mrs. Turrill with Israeli military personnel
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem..." (Psalm 122:6)
Rev. Huntley Brown Installed as Artist-in-Residence
Rev. Huntley Brown Installed as Artist-in-Residence
Rev. Huntley Brown
Judson University’s Center for Worship in the Performing Arts recently announced the installment of Rev. Huntley Brown as Artist-in-Residence. An ordained minister with the ECA and a member of its Board of Directors, Rev. Brown has toured the globe ministering through God’s Word and music as a preacher and world-class pianist, respectively. Having served at home and abroad with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, he has played for Ruth Graham and Friends Ministries as well as internationally for Franklin Graham. To read more about his recent appointment at Judson University, click here.
Rev. Joseph Choi Interviewed by Christianity Daily
Rev. Joseph Choi Interviewed by Christianity Daily
(Photo : Christianity Daily) Rev. Joseph Choi currently works as a hospital chaplain, a U.S. Army Reserves chaplain, and an English ministry pastor.
Recently Christianity Daily interviewed the ECA’s Rev. Joseph Choi, who, in addition to his church ministry, serves as a chaplain in both the civilian and military sectors. He also sits on ECA ordination councils. To read Christianity Daily’s excellent article about his ministry, click here.
Congregation Recognizes Dr. Donald Raub for 50 Years of Service
Congregation Recognizes Dr. Donald Raub for 50 Years of Service
Dr. Donald Raub with his wife, Dolores
Photo by Geoff Patton
East Rockhill Chapel in Quakertown, Pennsylvania recently recognized Dr. Donald Raub, a member of the ECA since 1951, for having shepherded the congregation since 1965. Still faithfully ministering to this flock with his devoted wife and helpmate, Dolores, Pastor Raub faithfully preaches the Word, not his opinion. To view an excellent newspaper article detailing more about his tenure at the church, click here.
Rev. Richard Coleman Speaks at February 2015 Wheaton Evangelism Conference
Rev. Richard Coleman Speaks at February 2015 Wheaton Evangelism Conference
Rev. Richard O. Coleman
Rev. Coleman, Senior Director of Mobilization and Candidacy for The Mission Society, headquartered in Norcross, Georgia, serves domestically and internationally in overseeing the ministry’s efforts in recruiting and screening missionary candidates. To hear his powerful message referenced above in which he challenges the popular concept of “fragmentation evangelism”, click here.
ECA Receives Abundant Life Fellowship in Christ Church as Associate Member
ECA Receives Abundant Life Fellowship in Christ Church June 12, 2015, as Associate Member
Rev. Roger C. Thomas and First Lady Barbara
The ECA welcomes Abundant Life Fellowship in Christ Church of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, USA into Associate Membership. Co-pastored by ECA member, Reverend Roger Thomas, and his wife, Minister Barbara, this local expression of the body of Christ truly lives its motto, “Reaching the lost at any cost.” Committed to preaching of the Gospel from the pulpit and sharing the love of Jesus through community outreach, the church, serving as salt and light to save and edify souls, exemplifies the mission of the ECA. May the Lord be praised.
The ECA’s Dr. Jangbaeg Lim ministering in Japan
The ECA’s Dr. Jangbaeg Lim ministering in Japan
Leading worship with my wife, Eunjeong
In September 2009, my wife, Eunjeong, and I arrived in Japan and took up residence in the city of Kyoto near Osaka in the central part of the country. This is a very traditional and historical area for the nation. As Kyoto was the capital of Japan 1000 years before Tokyo assumed that prominent role, many Buddhists temples exist in and around the city, which still hosts cultural festivals celebrating idol worship.
My children, Shion and Eunhye
Many people who live in the Kyoto area are very conservative in their lifestyle and traditional in upholding their ancient, native religious beliefs. During the launch of our ministry, this made for a very challenging situation for our family as the spiritual warfare proved to be intense. This situation, as well as our efforts to learn the new culture and language, required much prayer. I began preaching the Gospel to local people and brought them to church. Through our evangelistic efforts, we made many friends, and step by step God opened the doors for ministry in many local churches.
Baptizing one of my congregants
So far, we have served in three churches, and I am now working in Uzumasa Church, located in central Kyoto. For a long time this church had many difficulties, but through the grace of God, it changed little by little. In association with the church, I was recently involved in a large evangelism conference called Love Sonata. Since in Asia, Korean culture has won popularity, and many Korean stars are Christian, for the event, we invited them to assist in the effort to evangelize the local people. There was a strong Gospel message similar to that for a Billy Graham crusade. About 1900 Japanese people attended, and by the grace of God 101 of them trusted Christ as Savior. It was not just the number of conversions that were surprising, but also the cooperation of local churches as well in acting with one mind. In Japan God is indeed at work in this generation.
Our Family with some
Uzumasa Church members
I praise the Lord for his wonderful work in the midst of many difficulties we have experienced. Japan needs Jesus, the living God, more than anything else. Please continue to pray for this country, the Kyoto area in particular, Uzumasa church, our family, and the associated evangelistic efforts and mobilization ministry. Thank you very much!
Mission Launch Labs Open to ECA Members
Dr. Bill Bray
Overseas Students Mission (OSM)
Mission Launch Labs Open to ECA Members
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia – ECA Member Bill Bray has opened OSM 2015 New Mission Launch Labs ECA members who are support raising missionaries or ministry leaders. Applications are available online at
The OSM New Mission Launch Labs train mission’s staff and students in how to raise up prayer and support teams for student-led short term missions or organize other new initiatives to neglected, unreached or underserved ethnic groups. They are excellent for bi-vocational missionary leaders.
Except for New Mission Launch Lab IV during Winter Break in St. Louis, all the regular New Mission 2015 Launch Labs are planned for Virginia or the Chicago area. “Launch Lab IV” is expected to start immediately following the Urbana 15 student mission’s conference January 1, 2016.
Other conferences are planned for May 22-23 in Chicago, May 28 in Wheaton, July 10-11, and October 2-3 in Charlottesville, and December 31 to January 2 in St. Louis. The conferences are sponsored and subsidized by the OSM Legacy Fund so that students and international visitors pay only a nominal fee to take the training.
“We as Christians are always only one generation away from genocide and extinction,” said President Bill Bray at a Friday night dinner that opened the last weekend workshop. “God has no grandchildren! That’s why these New Mission Launch Labs are so critical to igniting the next generation of missions.”
The OSM New Mission Launch Labs are open to campus missionary staff, short-term mission leaders, international students, and other leaders from ethnic diaspora groups who are now in the USA. The workshops focus on helping leaders: (1) discern the vision God has for them, (2) cast the vision to American friends, (3) communicate the vision, and (4) support the vision through prayer and financial aid.
Bill Bray and OSM team have trained over 300 indigenous mission leaders in the mission support raising program that began in 2003 at Christian Aid Mission. The sessions are usually held at the OSM National Headquarters at 3045 Ivy Road. Call 434-227-0811 or visit for details or to register.
Dr. George L. Miller 1936-2014
Dr. George L. Miller
Dear members and friends of the Evangelical Church Alliance:
It is with a sense of loss, but also celebration for his life and legacy, that I announce Saturday’s home going of Dr. George L. Miller December 6, 2014, due to a sudden turn in his health after coping well during an almost year-long battle with leukemia. For the benefit of those who have more recently become acquainted with the ECA, Dr. Miller, ordained with the ECA since 1978, served the organization in the ensuing years in the capacities of President, Chairman of the International Board of Directors and Military Chaplain Commission Director, a post he held up until his death. A remarkable visionary and leader, he modernized the ECA and was used of the Lord to continue to expand it to the worldwide family of faith the work is today. His gentle spirit, pastor’s heart, and humor will be missed by both all of us here at headquarters and those to whom he so faithfully ministered. A beautiful service celebrating his life was held December 10, 2014 in Bourbonnais, IL at River Valley Christian Fellowship, where Dr. Miller served since 2006 as Pastor of Congregational Life and previously there as Senior Pastor, the office held since then by his son, ECA member Rev. Derick Miller. Please remember the Miller family in your prayers. Any condolences may be sent to them at the following:
E-mail: [email protected]
For the obituary, please click here.
Now on a related note I would like to address the ECA’s military chaplains. I mourn with you but am grateful for our brother's investment of labor and love that resulted in the ECA becoming the third largest endorser of Protestant military chaplains in the U.S.A. In honoring his recommendation to assure there would be no interruption in endorsement service of signing off on official government chaplaincy documents, the Board of Directors has appointed me to serve temporarily as Military Chaplain Commission Director/Endorser until the position is permanently filled. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Elmon Krupnik will both maintain his vital role as Military Chaplain Commission Chairman in continuing to vet the military qualifications of applicants, and field e-mails and phone calls from them and member chaplains.
May the Lord be praised for the life of Dr. George L. Miller. Indeed, our loss is heaven’s gain. “Blessed in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Ps. 116:15).
To God be the glory, Dr. Robert H. Turrill President/CEO
Num. 6:24
The ECA’s Lee Behnken: On Assignment in Israel… Yom Kippur at the Wailing Wall
The ECA’s Lee Behnken: On Assignment in Israel… Yom Kippur at the Wailing Wall
Rev. Lee Behnken, accomplished songwriter, producer, and concert artist, photographed on location at Russian-Jewish church in Jerusalem, Israel
On Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) I left my Jerusalem apartment a little after 7:00 AM and made my way along the barricaded streets toward the Damascus Gate...and into the Old City...on my way to the Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall or Kotel) …at the Temple Mount…the ancient sacred site of Jewish prayer. On this annual holiday there is no driving allowed in Jerusalem...and you only see people and bicycles (with soldiers and barricades) on the streets...where normally there are buses and trucks and cars and trams and vans and motorcycles flying by in busy city traffic. It’s been my heart’s desire to spend Yom Kippur this year at the Western Wall, praying and worshipping through the entire eight chapters of my song commentary on the Song of Solomon... as an offering to the Lord... and as intercession for the land and people of Israel... before I begin recording my lead vocals north of Haifa in two weeks. In my backpack I had my laptop computer, my Bible, my hard copy of the lyrics to all 80 songs, a notebook...and the earphones that would allow me to quietly sit in my favorite corner of the Wall…and go through all eight CDs of the Song Of All Songs. The Israeli guards would look through all of these things as I passed through the metal detector...just before entering the Western Wall Plaza.
As I came through the Damascus Gate I entered into the Old City with hundreds of Muslims quietly walking the same way as me...past the closed shops of the Muslim Quarter...and past the Israeli military guards in green uniforms, holding machine guns. I wondered where all the Muslims were heading as I walked along with them down the same narrow city street that leads to the Wailing Wall...knowing they weren’t going to end up with me down at the Kotel where the Jews were praying. About half way to the Wall all the Muslims turned to the attend the Eid prayers in the the Yom Kippur holiday this year, in 5775 of the Jewish civil calendar, coincided with the first day of the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha (The Festival of the Sacrifice). On this four-day festival the Muslims celebrate when they believe Abraham was to sacrifice his son, “Ishmael” (as opposed to Abraham’s son, Isaac), as an act of submission to God’s will...but God intervened and provided a lamb for the sacrifice. On this day, they sacrifice animals that will be cooked and eaten by all the people.
Upon entering the Western Wall Plaza I saw perhaps a thousand men already in prayer...huddled closely together, lining the length of the Wall...with nearly all of them dressed in all white...wearing their prayer shawls over their heads (a white rectangular cloth with black stripes on the sides and fringes on the corners). I hadn’t known what to expect...or whether I would even be able to access the “tunnel” that went inside toward the north end of the Wall...where I’ve been able to enter almost every day for the last 10 days since Rosh Hashanah. I was glad to see that the entrance to the tunnel was relatively open, and I passed into the opening...avoiding all eye contact...squeezing through a tight isle of men...both standing and sitting...praying and chanting...not rocking back and forth so much as I have seen every other day. There were no bar mitzvahs on this day. There was a different feeling...and a different sound along the Wall…on this day. It was a feeling of mourning, fasting and repentance...and a sound of intercession...with many cantors singing in Hebrew...and with many voices echoing each of their their multiple cadences. I was glad that I wore my black it blended in better with the mostly white and black dress code of this most holy day of the year.
It was a tight squeeze all the way inside to the far end of the Wall...where I’ve been able to get a seat each day so far... and this day was the same. There were few chairs left, but I found one and sat down at the far the left-hand corner...about 40 feet away from the Wall. Right beside my chair on the left was the partition wall...on the other side of which is the restricted area that would be even closer to where the Holy of Holies would be. In front of me to the right and half way to the Wall was a table with a large silver Torah scroll case standing upright...and closed. After I had sat down, I hesitated for a little while to try to relax and take in the room before opening my backpack. I didn’t want to be conspicuous, as I noticed that almost everyone in the room was participating with one cantor or another...following along in a prayer book. It would have been helpful to have on a prayer shawl like almost everyone else at the Wall...but there were others that didn’t have my little white kippah (prayer cap) that I picked up at the “kippah table” on an earlier visit would have to do. I’m glad I had it with me because today there was no kippah table making the free prayer coverings available…and on this High Holy Day (with the Temple Mount void of buses and tourism) I wouldn’t be welcome without one. Twice my kippah fell off my head, and twice others with friendly smiles (the few men behind me) reached down and picked it up and handed it back to me. Next time I’ll remember to pack some tape.
Following my arrival to my prayer station at the end of the tunnel... for the remaining 4 1/2 hours of the morning...I worshiped and prayed through most of the first four chapters of my song commentary called, “Song Of All Songs”. The Song of Solomon is like an amazing and beautiful jewel with many facets. In this song, we can see God’s love for Israel...and Israel’s love for the Torah. We can see God’s love for the land of Israel...and His beautiful covenant with her...and the relationship between the King and His royal Shulamite peasant bride...Jesus and the bride of Christ...and very intimately...and very personally…we can see God’s passionate longing for an exclusive everlasting covenant relationship with each one of us...and the powerful gift of our own personal desire for God and His temple...God and His Most Holy Place...our Great High Priest and the Holy of Holies...the Lord Jesus Christ and your heart...His heaven on earth.
There were powerful moments of realizing what the Lord has been putting into my heart in these last 12 plus years of daily studying, praying and worshipping in the Song of Solomon. I felt a deep burning love in my belly for God...and for I prayed for the nation of Israel and the Holy Land. I could feel God’s atoning covenant in the Song as I sang through the chapters. The rabbis teach us that the Song of Songs is as the Holy of Holies...and for centuries on this one most holy day of the year...the Day of Atonement...the high priest would enter into the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount to make atonement for himself...and for the people. There was a moment about 1 ½ hours after my arrival that suddenly a door in the partition wall beside me on my left…about 35 feet in front of me…opened to the Wall... and the men nearest the door began to rush in...and it looked like all at once about 30 or so more men in the room became like firemen off to a they scrambled for the door before it swung back shut…and they disappeared behind the wall...entering into the place nearest to where the Holy of Holies would have been nearly 2,000 years ago. Part of me wanted to rush to the door too...before it get closer to the Most Holy Place...but in truth…I entered into the Holy of Holies many years ago…in Christ…and I am seated there even in my studio apartment, not far from Jaffa Street.
At about the noon hour…during the fifth song of the Song Of All Songs/Chapter Four CD…which is my song for Song of Solomon 4:8…the battery on my laptop ran out of juice…and the CD player stopped. I didn’t know how long the battery would last, but I had figured that I’d just have to take a break sometime and find a place to recharge…which I did…in the men’s room…which was an interesting experience of men filing through…taking off their prayer shawls and hanging them up as they passed by. After 35 minutes of waiting in the men’s room, my battery wasn’t even ¼ recharged…and I sensed that I needed to get back to my seat at the Wall…even if I had to pray through the remaining chapters without the music. I had left my backpack on my seat (as I noticed others had done this as well) and returned to the Wall and resumed my ministry. As I was worshipping and praying through the last part of Chapter Four, a young temple security guard tapped me on the shoulder. Next to him was another guard…and he kindly said to me, “Today is a holiday…and computers are not allowed here…please put it away”. I immediately apologized, shut my laptop and placed it back in my backpack.
The hard copy of my lyrics for chapters five through eight became my prayer book for the next couple of hours…which allowed me to finish my time of intercession at the Wall within seven hours…as opposed to the 9-10 hours it takes to get through the eight CDs/Chapters of music we’ve recorded for the Song Of All Songs ministry. I was deeply exhausted…like something profound had left me…and I was thankful to leave early. As I came out of the crowded tunnel of Jewish men singing and chanting in prayer… the afternoon sun was very bright on the large white stone blocks of the Wailing Wall that towered above me in the plaza area. There were only about 10 or so men left praying along the Wall in the hot sun…out of the 1,000 or so that had been praying in the morning shadow of the Wall when I arrived earlier that morning. Departing the Old City through the Damascus Gate I took a detour on my way back to my little studio apartment…to the bed inside that I was looking forward to…and I walked by the Garden Tomb…closed of course…and I thanked the Lord for making it so that we could enter into the true Holy of Holies…and be with Him…24 hours a day…365 days a year.
This year in Israel, I am helping my friend Barry Segal with his Sukkot celebration here in Jerusalem…by leading worship for the Tuesday morning session of their conference. After the Feast of Tabernacles I will be driving down to Kiryat Yam…on the north end of Haifa…to the recording studio of my new friends, Marc and his son Eli Chopinsky,at Marc is one of the founders (along with Paul Wilbur) of the Messianic music group, Israel’s Hope. Lord willing…together we will record my lead vocals for the remaining 60 plus songs of my magnum opus, Song Of All Songs…an eight-chapter/eight-CD, verse-by-verse song commentary on the Song of Solomon. It’ has been over 15 years ago that I wrote what became the first song for this project…from Song of Solomon 4:7 which is the key verse for all eight chapters of the Song of Solomon, “You are beautiful my love…and there is not an imperfection in you”. Lord willing…by sometime next summer…I will be able to share with you this amazing nine-plus hour ministry of soaking and meditating in the Song of Songs. I hope to create a Bible school course using these eight CDs along with additional study materials. If you would like to listen to “a work in progress”…a friend put up a little website for me about five years ago at where you can find a link to listen to what we have so far for chapters one and two of the “Song Of All Songs”.
Lee Behnken Ministries; email [email protected]
475 Arlington Road
Brookville, Ohio
(also a very dated website)
ECA Chaplain Assists Red Cross in San Diego Firestorms
ECA Chaplain Assists Red Cross in San Diego Firestorms
Chaplain Connie Regener, MA., BCC
It really hit me when I picked up the clipboard and read “All addresses destroyed except 22835”.
It was the route assignment for our American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) from which we would be serving meals to victims of the recent firestorms in a subdivision in San Diego County.
Although I had trained for such events, the utter devastation caught me by surprise. I only asked once “Were you able to save anything?” On the scene, I surveyed lot after lot with nothing but gray and white ashes, interrupted by an occasional chimney, sink, or appliance.
Mostly I learned to stand still with the homeowners, who from time to time would voice a memory or grieve a loss. Some wanted a hug, and some shook my hand. Others just wanted to share the moment or needed a shoulder to cry on.
Contrasted with the dreary devastation of the scene was the upbeat resiliency of the people I encountered. They all mentioned that no one had been lost, despite the intensity and unpredictability of the fire. They all wanted to build again on such a sacred space. This space was doubly sacred because not only was it their personal residence, but it was next to a religious retreat center where many had seen the healing of body, mind, and soul.
Some reaffirmed their faith and said it was helping them through such tough times. They gave thanks for the outpouring of assistance. There was talk of building back bigger and better. There was also musing that God might be calling them in another direction. Each person has to decide his or her recovery plan. Some will stay, and some will move on. It was good just to hear them out, acknowledge their concerns, and give them a safe place to consider the next step. Being in an unfamiliar, scary place is bad—but it’s worse when you are there alone.
That’s where the Red Cross comes in. By putting mental health workers (and chaplains like me) on the ERV’s that are in the community distributing food and water, we can meet basic needs of body, mind, and soul. Supplying a cold bottle of water, voicing understanding, or offering compassion can quench anguish of body, mind, and soul. “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” (Psalm 94:19).
At the end of a weary day, I returned to Red Cross headquarters. My steel-toed boots were dusty with ashes, and my face was a little sunburned. “All addresses destroyed except 22835” was no longer a notation but a vivid picture burned into my mind. I can only hope that as the victims bring their experience to mind they will also picture that someone was standing with them in their time of anguish.
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in this way, and encourage my fellow clergy to check out the many ways they can train to be of service with their local Red Cross.
Rev. Connie Regener is an ordained ECA minister and a board certified chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains. She is an experienced hospital and hospice chaplain and part of the Orange County Disaster Action Team for the American Red Cross.
Remembering Rev. Arlene E. Leis
Remembering Rev. Arlene E. Leis
After nearly a yearlong battle with cancer, the Rev. Arlene Leis, our beloved sister and member of the ECA’s Canadian Committee, is now in glory. She faced this challenge with grace and poise, never wavering in her faith during the painful ordeal.
Her service unto her Lord spanned various venues including directing and producing Christian television programs, pastoring, counseling, and mentoring women in ministry. As a part of the ECA’s leadership team, her insights and wise counsel will certainly be missed.
Join me in celebrating the life and legacy of this beloved servant, who is now beholding the face of her Savior. Please remember her family, especially Elmer, her ailing husband and partner in ministry, Elmer, in your prayers. Indeed how appropriate are the words of Psalm 116:15 on Arlene’s behalf, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”
In Christ’s love,
Bob Turrill
Keeping Vigil: The Sheriff's Chaplain
Keeping Vigil: The Sheriff's Chaplain
By: KHQ Q6 News

Click here to watch the television interview with Chaplain Quaschnick.
Western Maryland, We're Not In This Alone
Western Maryland, We're Not In This Alone
By: D. Lent

From Missions To Mission: Our Daughter's Homegoing!
From Missions To Mission: Our Daughter's Homegoing!
By: Rev. Chris Williams

(Rev. Williams and late daughter, Justina, in Ireland, 2009)
“Ministries to the Military” with Cadence International, that’s where we were headed. We had finished a year of preparation concluding with two weeks of Candidacy school in Colorado in June of 2011. My wife and I were appointed missionaries, we were excited, we were at peace with this direction and we came home and continued the preparation to get to the mission field. After five interviews in two days, hours of classes, a number of psychological tests, workshops and other preparation we were at rest and on our way. We were reading books to learn how to raise money and getting our list of possible donators together. One element we were waiting for was a promotional video, which would help kick-start the new ministry we were ready to embark upon. While we were in Colorado a production company prepared this video and time would be needed to edit and finalize its production. We had the peace of God in our lives that this direction would enable us to share the gospel with our military personnel, which we felt called to. So, as we waited on our promotional video we were organizing ourselves to transition into fund raising mode. We were sent home to read some books that would strengthen us and make sure we were spiritually ready for this new adventure in our lives. From June 2011 to October 2011 we were on our way back into mission work after beginning our lives together in mission work.
Our mission and direction would change dramatically and rapidly. On an extremely foggy morning, namely October 7, 2011, which will be etched in our minds forever, I received that dreaded phone call that no parent ever wants to receive. “Mr. Williams, your 20 year-old daughter has been in a terrible automobile accident.” My wife and I were soon on our way driving on a long journey to the hospital. She was traveling to nursing clinicals when the driver of the car she was in missed a stop sign and they were broadsided being hit where our daughter was sitting. Arriving at the hospital and being met by the Chaplain it was clear to us that we were not going to receive any good news. We were taken into a private room and given the grim prognosis. There was no hope, and we needed to make some seriously difficult decisions that no parent should have to make for their child. We had to make the decision to let her go because she was brain dead and would never have a life worth living on this earth. Also, we were approached by “donate life” to see if we were interested in donating any of her organs. Five organs saved four lives so if we could not have our daughter back; we were willing to help save four lives.
This journey we are on has been grievous, strenuous, stressful and painful. Through all the emotions that have come our way, we have learned to trust in Jesus, and we have the peace that passes all understanding in our hearts. As our daughter lay there in the hospital bed we began to sing songs like, “Amazing Grace,” and pray together as a family. We knew we were looking at her shell and we knew with assurance through the life she lived that she was now living eternally with her heavenly Father. We came home from the hospital saddened by our loss and with peace in our hearts at the same time. We found out during that first weekend that her last post on Facebook was a quote from Charles Spurgeon, “By perseverance, the snail reached the ark.” This journey continues and we have not reached the end. While we continue down this path that has been chosen for us, we persevere and begin a new mission. We have chosen to continue striving toward mission work with the military. We began this journey with peace in our hearts about sharing the gospel with our military; though now in light of our loss it may look a bit differently, we still look forward to this avenue of ministry. This grief we live with and the path we follow will be used to touch others as we now can share wisdom out of our pain.
ECA’s Rev. Bob Tiede, Cru Staff Member, Founder of Leading with Questions, and Author of Great Leaders Ask Questions: A Fortune 100 List, releases latest work, 339 Questions Jesus Asked
Rev. Tiede
Now available upon request is a free download of 339 Questions Jesus Asked @
compiled by Rev. Tiede. He is a 46 year staff member with Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ). Bob serves on the Global and U.S. Leadership Development Teams. His team's mission is "Developing the Next Generation of Leaders for Cru." You can also subscribe to his blog: followed by leaders in over 190 Nations (it's free).
Bob, ordained with the ECA in 1987, shares, "Would we not all be wise to learn from communication practices of the greatest communicator in all of history? Jesus did two things exceedingly well: He told great stories and he asked great questions. I ask a lot of questions because I don't know the answers. Jesus being God never asked a question to which he did not already know the answer. Jesus, who created the brain, understands exactly how it works. When he asks a question, he is actually leveraging the design of the brain he created! He knew that asking questions was a far more effective way to connect with people, to engage people, to help them discover truth, to help them come to their own conclusions, and to make their own decisions than it ever would be to tell them what to do! You will have every question Jesus asked in the four Gospels when you download my FREE e-book @"